Improving Staff Efficiency and Effectiveness

The saying ""knowledge is power"" is well known. In an organisation of any size the sharing of knowledge (information) can be very difficult - even with the best will in the world. Using internal website - or Intranet - a company can create a canvas upon which all its employees can contribute to knowledge. However there are a number of implementation hurdles to overcome to ensure that your new Intranet is actually adding value.
Particular big wins can include:
- Integrated phone book and organisation navigators (e.g. 'who is his boss'?)
- Collaboration tools to allow project teams to work across sites and locations
- Public information sources (traffic, weather, share price, news feeds, industry news)
- Single sign-on gateway to other systems
- Company news, social club news, etc
- Team areas, discussion and calendar functions
A very important spin-off benefit is improved customer service, through staff having more ready access to information.
InterWeave can help identify the benefits of using an Intranet and through its complete design and implementation service, allow your company to access them.
Every company has different needs, please contact us for more advice and assistance. Click here